Yasna.ai - our AI platform for conversational research
Entire Product Cycle Span
Early drafts or finals — test at any development stage
Step 1
Insight Screen
Narrow down your list of insights. Identify dead-ends and focus.
Idea Screen
Narrow down your list of raw ideas. Identify dead-ends and focus.
Concept Test
In-depth testing. Does your idea sell? What can be improved?
Step 2
Claim Test
Which of the USPs to focus on?
Design Test
Does your product design sell? What can be improved?
Name Test
Which name is the most appealing, appropriate and interesting?
Price Test
What is the optimal price tag?
Create a project
Learn more
Step 3
Message Test
Which message to choose for your ad?
Visual Test
Does your banner or leaflet sell? What can be improved?
Video Test
Does your video sell? What can be improved?
Audio Test
Does your audio sell? What can be improved?
Promo Test
Does your promo sell? What can be improved?
Special Purpose
Rank It
Identify the best variant of anything.
DIY Surveys
Design your own questionnaire.
UX Check
Does your landing page sell?