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Where do our metrics come from?

The AISAS model as a basis for our questionnaires

Our Fastuna solutions are carefully optimized and easy to use as each standard objective is reflected in the questionnaires we offer and takes into account the specifics of the tested materials.
The AISAS model is at the basis of all of our Fastuna questionnaires for testing creative and product ideas. It allows us to evaluate the appeal of an ad or a product as close to the real situation as possible.
The AISAS model is an updated version of the classic AIDA model, later known as AIDMA, which many are familiar with from their marketing textbooks.
The formula by Elmo Lewis "attention, interest, desire, action" has been known since 1898. It describes a structure for the way advertising should work and for a long time has been the golden standard for marketing and advertising.
The key metrics: Attention, Interest and Action, are just as relevant today as they were back in the 1890s. An ad or a product needs to attract attention, generate interest amongst their audiences and, of course, call to a specific action.
However, the way information travels today has a significant impact on consumer behavior. During the whole customer experience with the product — from finding out about it to the call to action, the consumer goes through reviews, ratings and opinions of other people on the internet.
The updated approach accounts for those changes in our society. It is called the AISAS model. It was put forward by the Japanese advertising agency Dentsu, which is well renowned for its deep research expertise*.
*This approach was described in the book "The Dentsu Way by Kotaro Sugiyama & Tim Andree" in 2011.
Attention — does it attract attention?
Interest — does it generate interest?
Search — does it make you want to find out more?
Action — do you want to take action as a result of seeing this ad, to buy or to try?
Share — do you want to tell others about it?
Here is how the AISAS process works in more detail. A consumer, who notices a product, service or advertisement (attention) and takes an interest in it (interest), gathers information (searches) about the item in question. That search may be performed on the Internet on blogs written by others, product comparison sites, and official corporate Web pages, or by talking to family or friends who have actually used that product or service. All of these variables make up a general perception of the brand. This opinion, in turn, influences Action — buying a product or using a service. After the purchase the consumer becomes the one with experience, i.e. a transmitter of Word-of-Mouth information by talking to others or by posting comments on the Internet (sharing).

Paraphrased from the book "The Dentsu Way by Kotaro Sugiyama & Tim Andree", page. 79−80.
This way the AISAS model covers the entirety of the consumer experience from when they learn about a product or a service for the first time to action — buying a product or using a service.
We further enhanced the Fastuna questionnaires to include the following metrics as they help explain the reasons behind key scores.
Clarity is used as a higiene metric in almost all of our concept questionnaires. If the idea is not clear all of the other metrics fall like dominoes.
Liked — is an easy question for respondents to answer. It shows a general and bottom line perception of an idea. Fundamentally it is an aggregated indicator of interest and emotional perception which have a high correlation with likability.
Relevance allows us to measure a share of the audience whose needs the offer might potentially meet.
Uniqueness shows how much the product will stand out on the shelf or in an advertising sequence.
Believability measures any resistance and barriers people have.

Aggregated evaluation of results

To compare the test results amongst our standard solutions we created an aggregated SCORE using a number of key metrics:
0.5*Liked + 0.5*(Want to find out more + Try/Purchase + Tell others) / 3.
The aggregated score shows to what extent the consumers like what they see and are stimulated to take action — to find out more, try / purchase or tell others. The Liked metric reflects the general perception of the concept.
With this simple formula every concept gets its own aggregated score which can be compared against our benchmarks. Moreover, when testing more than one concept this same formula allows us to rate them from best to worst.

How to interpret test results

Let us show you some examples of how our questionnaires help evaluate and improve concepts and ideas.
Growing pants
We asked parents in Britain what they thought using our Fastuna Product Idea solution. While the idea of trousers that grow with your child was seen as truly unique, it didn't quite hit the spot with parents. It raised some questions around the durability of the material and its aesthetics in general. Plus the insights suggest that parents aren't quite ready to lower the style stakes just yet.

Although the concept is unique and has high shareability potential, British parents aren't quite ready to buy such trousers for their kids. The ideas needs a bit more work around aesthetics, while the communication needs to address the durability concerns.

Old Spice new horse
The Old Spice man on the horse is back only now he is on a deer! While the original series were very funny and successful this Christmas ad didn't quite hit the spot with the German audience. Perhaps because some people were not familiar with the original series, therefore the humor of the character was lost on them. Low relevance seems to drag the action scores down: purchase intent, desire to learn more or tell others which will likely be reflected in the sales.

Much can be done by piggybacking on the legacy of the well established characters but there are limits. The ad should be able to stand alone too. Some improvements can be made to this ad to re-introduce the character to the audience and show those who are not familiar why exactly he was funny and successful in the past.

Even more confusing times
We tested a confusing ad for Burger King in which everybody was confused by their very realistic meat alternative. A unique ad which received critical acclaim but alienated half of its viewers with its unusual style. It was long and dark, which meant that viewers lost interest and didn't get through with enough attention to understand the point.

Unique is a great score to hit but it doesn't translate into action unless it is accompanied by clarity. Some improvement on clarity of the message in a shorter space of time would help to capture the audience that didn't get what was happening in the story.

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