Local marketing teams have to engage with consumers and really find out how Covid-19 impacts their consumption behavior. Has spending power really decreased or is your brand something consumers don’t want right now? We can all assume that designer handbags are not really on most people’s shopping list right now but what about deodorant? Do people use it as much when working in an home office environment? I am single and I am working from home but I have two dogs and would never leave the house without. But what about people who have not got dogs, who are single and only meet people online during lock down?
And if you are a snack brand, how can you tweak your communication in order to meet people in the home office environment. As I am writing this I am chomping on cookies btw, but I did walk my dogs today. Are chocolate, cookies, crisps and other snack foods still considered a suitable treat with all those pounds piling up while you work from home? Has alcohol consumption gone up or are people picking healthy alternatives? Would this be the right time to launch something new, or relaunch something old and rebrand it with a healthier label? Questions and more questions! You need to ask your consumers.